School Improvement Plan

Every year we focus on key areas to make the school and the education experience we offer, even better for all of our children. We are constantly developing and identify priorities for improvement; we do this from the information we gain from school data, discussions with staff and governors, parents and children questionnaires and local and national initiatives.

Throughout the year we work on these areas, as well as other things that arise, regularly reviewing our progress. Each term an update will be provided on our progress in the school newsletter.

The areas we are committed to developing and are therefore on our School Improvement Plan for 2023-24 are;

Quality of Education

Behaviour and Attitudes

Leadership and Management

Early Years Provision

Our main objectives within these areas, for 2022-2023 are…

To ensure our curriculum is ambitious and designed to give ALL learners the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to achieve well and succeed in life

To ensure consistently high expectations for ALL learners’ behaviour and conduct throughout the school, resulting in positive attitudes to learning.

To ensure consistently high expectations for ALL learners’ behaviour and conduct throughout the school, resulting in positive attitudes to learning.

To develop subject leadership skills in order to improve the teaching of identified curriculum areas and ensure the most appropriate use of assessment