Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Welcome to the Starlings and Curlews. We start here when we are 3 as a Starling in Nursery, when we start school in Reception, and when we go into Year 1, we are Curlews. Year Mrs Tetchner, Mrs Milligan and Mrs Holmes like to help us with our learning and give us a really good start to our school journey, whether we join as a Starling or a Curlew.
It is lovely getting to come to school before we start reception; we get to know the classroom and our teachers really well. When the time comes that we are ready to become Curlew, we find the transition really easy!
In our class the Starlings and Curlews work together all day. We have lots of lovely resources to play with and explore both inside and out and we have plenty of opportunities for free play. At our age we learn so much by playing with each other, how to communicate with our friends, how to solve problems and develop our fine and gross motor skills needed for us to grow and learn.
As well as lots of opportunities to play and explore we also have group activities with our teachers. These are usually phonics or maths based in the morning. We also love carpet time sessions where we listen to stories, have group discussions, sing songs and listen to one another.
We love sharing news in our class, so many exciting things happen outside of school and Mrs Tetchner loves it when we use the Tapestry app to send her photographs and messages that we can share in school with our friends.
We can access our class’ outdoor area all the time through our classroom door but we also have an outdoor play time everyday where we can enjoy our school grounds. We love getting the bikes and scooters out on our track as well as having the space to run around. We have weekly Forest School sessions off site at a near by, purpose built outdoor space.